There is minimal public space at the Lotus Villa. The rooms are housed in an old teak wood building that is quite charming and fits perfectly in the heart of the

UNESCO heritage district of Luang Prabang.
Even higher-end properties in this district come across looking more like guesthouses, as everything is on a very small scale, and regulations don't allow any tall buildings to be built.
The entrance into the hotel is through a dim lobby, which is basically just a narrow corridor with some books and a couple of chairs. Most guests don't linger here past their finishing off their welcome drinks.
Far more appealing is the open courtyard which the rooms surround. It has wood tables in the middle, some of which are set under a tent canopy, and this is where breakfast is served; it's a perfect spot to read in or meet one's neighbors.
One spot which doesn't get much attention at all except at 6 a.m. is the dark wood deck that fronts the upstairs of the building where the Lotus rooms are. Wooden stairs lead up from the lobby, and this is the place to be come dawn, when the monks do their alms rounds right in front of the hotel.
Other than this, this is a very quiet, laid-back place.
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